Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oracle Application Server Start/Stop Procedure

Sequence to be followed for Starting and Stopping Oracle Application Server:-
The following  steps hold true if the Mid and Infra tiers are on the same machine or on different machines, the sequence remains the same.

Steps to Stop Application Server:-
1) First Stop Middle Tier
Set MIDTIER_HOME to your middle tier  home location
a) Goto $MIDTIER_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
b) $MIDTIER_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
2) Once the Mid Tier services are stopped, now stop Infra-Tier Services.
Set INFRATIER_HOME to your infra home location
a) $INFRATIER_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
b) $INFRATIER_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
3) Login to database
a) $INFRATIER_HOME/bin/ sqlplus / as sysdba
b)Issue the command ” shut immediate” to shut down the database
c) $INFRATIER_HOME/bin lsnrctl stop
d) $INFRATIER_HOME/bin/emctl stop dbconsole
Steps to Start Application Server:-
Follow the Above  Steps in reverse order:-
1) First Start Infra Tier
Set Infratier_home to your Infra tier home locaiton
a)$INFRATIER_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start
b)$INFRATIER_HOME/bin/ sqlplus / as sysdba
c) Once logged in Issue the command ” startup” to startup the database
d)  $INFRATIER_HOME/bin/emctl start dbconsole
2) Now issue the following commands,
a)  $INFRATIER_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
b) $INFRATIER_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
3) Once the Infra tier is up now start the Mid Tier
Set MIDTIER_HOME to your mid home location
a) INFRATIER_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
b) INFRATIER_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole

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